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College School Life

Starting the Semester Strong

So Spring semester has just begun. This week you probably have been getting your feet wet in your classes, by getting syllabi, ordering textbooks, and having lectures. Here are some things you can do to make sure you do not become too stressed and lose motivation during the semester.


Set a Schedule

This is the perfect time to create a study schedule.Β Start setting time aside to study and prep for class. If you have other commitments add time for those as well. Make sure to put time for relaxing and socializing too. Seriously, you will be super happy that you managed your time when midterms start to roll in.

Plan Ahead

Ok, you are bound to forget when a paper is due or a when to start studying for an exam.Β Create a spreadsheet of all the assignments, exams, papers, and whatever deadlines you need to remember for class and extracurriculars. Put in on your wall, in the front of your planner, or binder so you can always look at it. Now, whenever you want to look at upcoming deadlines you can take a quick look at them.

Related: Planner Organization

Find a Study Spot

I already have an exam and a presentation coming up in about three weeks. So I am library bound during my breaks. You want to make sure you have a spot that is designated for studying. Pick a spot that suits you and use it only for when you need to get things done. I find it useful to use my spot as early as possible so that I will not feel trapped when I am studying for long periods of time.

Set Goals for the Semester

What do you want to achieve this semester? Do you want to boost your GPA? Do you want to become more active in your organizations? Put together a list, print them out, and put them on the wall so you will be reminded of them throughout the semester.

Related: College Student Resources by Laughs Without Fear

Learn Your Professor’s Office Hours and Tutoring Schedules

I usually put my syllabi in the front of my binder, but it can be a hassle to pull out your binder in the middle of campus. So I like to create a calendar with office hours and tutoring times. I also write them in the notes section of my planner, with the room number and email. This way I can quickly see when I can go for help in my class.

Get Ahead in Class

School can be stressful, but you can do things to make it easier on yourself. Start reading the chapters and making a study outline. Look at what you need forΒ papers and presentations so you can have an idea of what to do. Pick some topics for your papers. Ask professors to clarify any questions you may have. This way you will be less stressed when it is time to start prepping for the assignment.

Related: How to Manage Syllabus Week

Here is to a great semester!

-Tatyana x




  • Jeff

    Great advice

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